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Recombinant Bla g 2 重組德國小蠊過敏原Bla g2

產品分類 > 昆蟲過敏原 > Recombinant Bla g 2 重組德國小蠊過敏原Bla g2

Recombinant Bla g 2 重組德國小蠊過敏原Bla g2

促銷: 8720.00
價格: 8720.00
Allergen:rBla g 2 (Blattella germanica allergen 2 )


Source:P. pastoris (clone NIG rBla g 2, glycosylation site N93Q mutated)

Mol. Wt:~37 kD

Purification:Purified from Pichia pastoris culture supernatant by monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography. Purity by silver stained SDS-PAGE > 95%.


See product insert. 


Preservative and carrier-free in phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4. Filtered through 0.22 μm filter.

Storage:Store at -20oC.

Notes:(1) One glycosylation site was removed in this recombinant leaving two glycosylation sites. The recombinant is glycosylated and has a slightly higher MW than natural. Bla g 2 (36kD).

(2) This recombinant form was used to determine the crystal structure of Bla g 2.

Genbank:U28863 Mutation N93Q, substituted cag (Q) for aac (N)

PDB:1YG92NR6 (with Fab-7C11), X-ray crystal structures

Product Resources:Recombinant Bla g 2 Certificate of Analysis

Allergens are provided for research and commercial use in vitro:  not for human in vivo or therapeutic use.


  1. Arruda LK, Vailes LD, Mann BJ, Shannon J, Fox JW, Vedvick TS, Hayden ML, Chapman MD. Molecular Cloning of a major cockroach (Blatella germanica) allergen, Bla g 2: Sequence homology to the aspartic proteases. J Biol Chem 1995;270:19563-8.

  2. Wünschmann S, Gustchina A, Chapman MD, Pomés A. Cockroach allergen Bla g 2: An unusual aspartic proteinase. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;116:140-5.

  3. Gustchina A, Li M, Wünschmann S, Chapman MD, Pomés A, Wodawer A. Crystal structure of cockroach allergen Bla g 2, an unusual zinc binding aspartic protease with a novel mode of self-inhibition. J Mol Biol 2005;348:433-44.

  4. Pomés A, Chapman MD, Vailes LD, Blundell TL, Venugopal D. Cockroach allergen Bla g 2: Structure function and implication for allergic sensitization. Amer J Resp Crit Care Med 2002;165:391-7.

  5. Li M, Gustchina A, Alexandratos J, Wlodawer A, Wünschmann S, Kepley CL, Chapman MD, Pomés A. Crystal structure of a dimerized cockroach allergen Bla g 2 complexed with a monoclonal antibody. J Biol Chem, 2008;283:22806-22814